Providing services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities since 1956
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Feel free to be yourself, let loose and have fun with US!

The orange and blue logo at left was designed by Joe O'Connell, a former member of our CBDS program, during a Recreation PLUS Graphic Design class.


Tell us what YOU want to see from Recreation PLUS!
Complete this survey, and e-mail to Recreation@oppsforinclusion.org or mail to 56 Chestnut St., Waltham, MA 02453.

Recreation PLUS is committed to providing affordable, inclusive and creative recreational activities for children, adolescents and adults with developmental disabilities.

It is our goal to provide people with developmental disabilities the opportunity to interact and engage with the Greater Waltham community. In our experience, these opportunities can lead to lasting relationships, growth as individuals, development of a sense of self and self-worth and enhanced quality of living not only for themselves but for their community.

We offer a variety of events and activities year round. Check out our Recreation Brochure for the latest activities.

Recreation PLUS, working in collaboration with other agencies in Waltham such as; the Waltham Boys and Girls Club, Waltham Parks and Recreation, Waltham YMCA and Brandeis University is an innovative program which provides opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to participate in community activities. These agencies work together to provide the support and services that all individuals need to fully enjoy these programs. Activities include:

  • Recreation and Leisure Programs for children, adolescents and adults, held weeknights and weekends
  • Inclusive recreation programs for children held in conjunction with local community recreation programs
Opportunities for Inclusion, Inc. | 56 Chestnut Street | Waltham, Massachusetts 02453 | 781-899-1344 | admin@oppsforinclusion.org

All contents © copyright Opportunities for Inclusion. All rights reserved.