Providing services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities since 1956

Press Room

Special Guests Join our Remote Sessions!
January 20, 2021
James Jones joins our remote sessions on Zoom regularly for an improvisational jazz session with participants.
He also plays his drums for the group.

James is an accomplished jazz musician and a staff member in our Day Habilitation Program.
He is well known through his regular music sessions with participants in our programs.

James will be joining our remote sessions on Zoom every week on Wednesdays and Fridays at 1:15 pm. as part of our music programming.


James Jones and his drums.

CC King, our artist-in-residence, also joins our remote sessions on Zoom weekly to lead participants in "Ageless Grace", a creative movement technique for people of all abilities.

CC King leads an "Ageless Grace" creative movement session.
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